Hello! It's been a long, long time. I'm not sure what prompted me log in today, but here I am.
I've been in Ukraine as a Peace Corps Volunteer for well over a year now. It's been quite a time. That's really all I want to say right now, otherwise this post could turn into a book.
I've been busy with a lot of stuff, but unfortuneately for this blog, not tenkara. That's not to say I haven't been keeping up with the world of tenkara. Quite frankly, I'm astounded with how tenkara has developed over the last year and a half. It's fantastic, and honestly, sometimes I do get a bit bummed that I'm missing out. So, to all you tenkara enthusiasts out there; every-day anglers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs alike, keep up the good work!
With spring and summer finally on the way, I
promise to do some fishing and post more updates this year.
With my 8th graders on the first day of school - they don't dress up like this everyday, and neither do I! |