Tuesday, July 10, 2012

More Flies

Here's an old unfinished post I found in my "drafts" folder of some sakasa kebari I tied with different hackles. As I remember I really liked the golden plover hackle - it's very supple and has a nice combination of colors. The waterhen was good too. I'm not sure what else I wanted to say when I started this post so long ago, but the photos aren't bad:

Sakasa Kebari with golden plover hackle

Ruffed Grouse Hackle

This time with waterhen hackle

Pheasant hackle with a body of olive UNI-Yarn

Sakasa kebari tied for smallmouth bass - size 8


  1. Is the smallie fly to suggest a crawdad?

  2. Hi Paul, it's not meant to specifically suggest a crawdad, but it definitely could if fished quickly with a pulsating motion - but really it's just a big yellow and green sakasa kebari. It could also suggest a small frog or a number of other things. It worked pretty well for river smallies in MA :)

  3. What is the yellow thread you've got here on the last kebari? Having trouble finding a true-yellow thread for tying...

    1. Just yellow thread, but I think it was un-spun so that it would lie flatter on the hook. Can't really remember!
